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Appeal over the right of graduates of a UK-based university to practise as psychotherapists in Finland to be decided by the Supreme Administrative Court

16.6.2022 15:30

The Court of Justice of the European Union has today issued its preliminary ruling to the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland in a case concerning certain points of EU law that regulate the training of psychotherapists. The training programme in question is one run by the Helsinki Psychotherapy Institute in collaboration with the University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE Bristol). Valvira’s policy has been to reject applications submitted by graduates of UWE Bristol to use the protected professional title of psychotherapist in Finland.

The final decision in the case will come from the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland. Valvira will comply with the Supreme Administrative Court’s decision and communicate any changes that will need to be made to the policy regarding graduates of UWE Bristol on that basis once the decision has been made.

Further information:

Director Jussi Holmalahti, +358 (0)29 520 9500

Link to the preliminary ruling (in Finnish)