Alcohol passport
With an alcohol passport, you can prove your knowledge of the Alcohol Act. You will need an alcohol passport if you work as the responsible manager at licensed premises.
An educational institution providing training and education in restaurant services can grant an alcohol passport when you pass the alcohol passport test. The test is considered approved if you score at least 80% of the maximum points. The test must include at least 30 questions. The questions must concern at least the provisions of the Alcohol Act concerning serving bans, supervision and maintenance of public order by the staff, the licensed area and the serving hours.
The questions in the alcohol passport test are based on Chapters 1–3 of the guideline for serving alcoholic beverages published by National Supervisory Authority for Health and Welfare (Valvira). The guideline contains provisions on serving. You will find the guideline at the end of this page. You can also take part in the test without any training offered by the educational institution, i.e. by studying the guideline independently.
Vocational upper secondary qualifications, further vocational qualifications and specialist vocational qualifications, as well as a bachelor’s degree in the travel and hospitality industry are considered equivalent to passing the alcohol passport test, provided that the qualification or degree covers the topics covered by the test. In such a case, the diploma acts as the alcohol passport.
If you were qualified to act as a responsible manager during the validity of previous Alcohol Act, you can still act as a responsible manager of licensed premises. You may prove your competence either with a diploma or an alcohol passport.
Responsible manager of licensed premises
If the licensed premises are open for customers, a responsible manager or another person appointed to the task by the licence holder must be present on the premises. The responsible manager or other person appointed to the task must be over 18 years of age. The responsible manager or other person appointed to the task must have an alcohol passport (a proficiency certificate on their knowledge of the Alcohol Act).
An alcohol passport, i.e. a proficiency certificate on the knowledge of the Alcohol Act, is issued by an educational institution providing training and education in restaurant services pursuant to an authorisation granted by the Finnish Government or the Ministry of Education and Culture. The educational institutions do not need to obtain any other official approval for organising tests.
Valvira has provided educational institutions with instructions on the content and grading of the test and confirmed the diploma template.
Frequently asked questions about the alcohol passport
Educational institutions in the restaurant industry organise alcohol passport tests and issue alcohol passports. These educational institutions are listed, based on the information provided by the educational institutions themselves, at the end of this page.
If you lost your alcohol passport certificate, you can ask for a copy from the educational institution that issued it. Valvira does not maintain any register of alcohol passports.
Each alcohol passport includes a personal identity code based on which the holder can be identified. Therefore, you do not need a new alcohol passport if your first or last name changes.
You can work in a serving task without an alcohol passport as long as there is a responsible manager or another person appointed by the licence holder who has an alcohol passport present at the premises. The employer may, however, require that all staff members obtain an alcohol passport.
You can take the alcohol passport test and, if you wish, also participate in alcohol passport training before you turn 18 years. However, regardless of your alcohol passport, you cannot be a responsible manager in charge of licensed premises until you are 18 years old.
Persons of at least 16 years of age may serve alcoholic beverages at licensed premises under the immediate supervision of a responsible manager or another person appointed to the task.
The alcohol passport is valid indefinitely. Please keep the original certificate in a secure place.
Educational institutions organising alcohol passport tests
Laurea ammattikorkeakoulu (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Vanha maantie 9, 02650 Espoo
tel 09 8868 7400
[email protected]
Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Kirkkokatu 16 B, 02770 Espoo
tel 09 231 999
[email protected]
Lounais-Hämeen koulutuskuntayhtymä (test languages: Finnish)
Saksankatu 27, 30100 Forssa
tel 040 713 0555 (switchboard)
[email protected]
Ava-akatemia (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Hitsaajankatu 20, 00810 Helsinki
tel 044 491 8716
[email protected]
Careeria (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Lämmittäjänkatu 2 A, 00880 Helsinki; Virnatie 5 A, 01300 Vantaa; Aleksanterinkatu 20, 06100 Porvoo
tel 020 51 311
[email protected]
Perho Liiketalousopisto Oy / Perho Pro (test languages: Finnish, English, Chinese, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Vietnamese, Arabic)
Perhonkatu 10-11, 00100 Helsinki
tel 050 3100 787
[email protected]
Stadin ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Prinsessantie 2, 00820 Helsinki
tel 09 3108 4706 or 050 401 3185
[email protected]
Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum (test languages: Swedish, Finnish)
Jan-Magnus Janssons plats 5, 00560 Helsingfors; Yrkesvägen 1, 06450 Borgå
tel 020 7699 700
[email protected]
Jollas-Opisto Oy (for S-Group) / Jollas Instituutti (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Jollaksentie 89, 00850 Helsinki
tel 01076 82900
[email protected]
Taitotalo, AEL-Amiedu Oy (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Valimotie 8, 00380 Helsinki
tel 010 8080 90 (customer service) or 020 7461 200 (switchboard)
[email protected]
Hyria koulutus Oy (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Torikatu 18, PL 67, 05801 Hyvinkää; Sakonkatu 1, 11100 Riihimäki
tel 019 778 3000
[email protected]
Ammattiopisto Tavastia (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
PL 30, 13101 Hämeenlinna
tel 050 4400 846
[email protected]
Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä / Keuda (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Sibeliuksenväylä 55 A, 04400 Järvenpää; Sarviniitynkatu 9, 04200 Kerava
tel 09 27381
[email protected]
Ammattiopisto Spesia (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Mannilantie 27, PL 46, 04401 Järvenpää
tel 010 608 4000 (switchboard) or 044 765 0574
[email protected]
Etelä-Kymenlaakson ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Kymenlaaksonkatu 29, 48100 Kotka
tel 010 395 9000
[email protected]
Kouvolan Ammattiopisto / Eduko koulutus- ja yrityspalvelut Oy (test languages: Finnish)
Taitajantie 2, 45100 Kouvola
tel 040 179 7109
[email protected]
Koulutuskeskus Salpaus (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Ståhlberginkatu 2 A-B, 15110 Lahti; Opintie 1, 18200 Heinola
tel 03 82811
[email protected]
Lab-ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Yliopistonkatu 36, 53800 Lappeenranta; Mukkulankatu 19, 15210 Lahti
tel 029 446 500 (vaihde)
[email protected]
Luksia, Länsi-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Toivonkatu 4, 08100 Lohja; Ojakkalantie 2, 03100 Nummela
tel 019 36961 (switchboard)
[email protected]
Vantaan ammattiopisto VARIA (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Tennistie 1, 01370 Vantaa
tel 050 3122 112
[email protected]
Satakunnan koulutuskuntayhtymä SATAEDU (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Alpinkatu 12, PL 1, 38701 Kankaanpää; Suoratie 1, PL 1, 32801 Kokemäki; Yhdystie 1, PL 1, 28401 Ulvila
tel 040 199 4100
[email protected]
Axxell Utbildning Ab (test languages: Swedish, Finnish)
Vapparvägen 4, 21600 Pargas
tel 02900 17220
[email protected]
Raision seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä RASEKO (test languages: Finnish)
Purokatu 1, 21200 Raisio
tel 02 437 7500
[email protected]
Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
PL 197, 26101 Rauma (tests also in Laitila and Pori)
tel 044 455 8600 or 02 623 7100
[email protected] or [email protected]
Salon seudun ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish)
Taitajankatu 6, 24240 Salo; Hyvoninkatu 1, 24240 Salo
tel 02 77041 (switchboard)
[email protected]
Turun ammatti-instituutti (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Lemminkäisenkatu 18 D, 20520 Turku
tel 02 330 000 (swichboard)
[email protected]
Lounais-Suomen koulutuskuntayhtymä (test languages: Finnish)
Viikaistenkatu 1, 23500 Uusikaupunki
tel 040 185 2017 or 040 723 0081
[email protected]
Optima samkommun (test languages: Swedish, Finnish)
Trädgårdsgatan 30, 68600 Jakobstad
tel 06 785 5265 or 06 785 5222
[email protected]
Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
PL 207, Rajakatu 35, 40101 Jyväskylä
tel 0400 7409909
[email protected]
Gradia Jyväskylä (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Viitaniementie 1 A, PL 472, 40101 Jyväskylä
tel 040 341 6193
[email protected]
Jyväskylän palvelualan opisto (test languages: Finnish)
Salokatu 20, 40630 Jyväskylä
tel 040 758 1500 (switchboard)
[email protected]
Suupohjan koulutuskuntayhtymä Vuoksi (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Oppitie 4, 61800 Kauhajoki
tel 044 550 1147
[email protected]
Keski-Pohjanmaan ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Närvilänkatu 8, 67100 Kokkola
tel 040 808 5566 (info)
[email protected]
Sedu (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Huovintie 1, 61300 Kurikka; Vesipalontie 2, 62100 Lapua; Suupohjantie 45, 60320 Seinäjoki; Koulutie 16 A, 63700 Ähtäri
tel 040 830 2231
[email protected] or [email protected]
Järviseudun ammatti-instituutti, JAMI / Lappajärven toimipiste (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Erkkiläntie 2, 62600 Lappajärvi
tel 06 241 2700
[email protected]
Ammattiopisto Luovi (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Vehnämyllynkatu 4, 33560 Tampere
tel 040 319 3499
[email protected]
SASKY koulutuskuntayhtymä (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Tampereen palvelualan ammattiopisto
Koulukatu 18, 33200 Tampere
tel 040 825 6252 (office)
Sastamalan oppilaitokset
Ratakatu 36, 38210 Sastamala
tel 040 184 2665
Mäntän seudun koulutuskeskus
Virtasalmentie 14, 35800 Mänttä-Vilppula
tel 040 537 3087 (Jaana Sydänmaanlakka)
Luoteis-Pirkanmaan oppilaitokset
tel 044 755 4423 (Annukka Halonen)
[email protected]
Tampereen Aikuiskoulutuskeskus (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
PL 15, Tampereen valtatie 15, 33820 Tampere
tel 03 236 1111
[email protected]
Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Kuntokatu 3, 33520 Tampere
tel 050 311 9722 or 050 311 9623
[email protected] or [email protected]
Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto Tredu (test languages: Finnish, English)
Santalahdentie 10, 33230 Tampere
tel 03 565611
[email protected] or [email protected]
Vamia (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Ruutikellarintie 2, 65100 Vaasa
tel 06 326 7884
[email protected]
Yrkesakademin i Österbotten (test languages: Swedish, Finnish)
Kungsgårdsvägen 30 A, 65380 Vasa
tel 06 324 2000
[email protected]
Valkeakosken Ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish)
Vanhankyläntie 2, 37630 Valkeakoski
tel 044 706 1065
[email protected]
Pohjoisen Keski-Suomen oppimiskeskus POKE Matkailu-, ravitsemis- ja talousala (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Teollisuustie 12, 44500 Viitasaari
tel 014 519 2550
[email protected]
Ylä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä / Ylä-Savon ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish)
Asevelikatu 4, 74150 Iisalmi
tel 0400 792 836
[email protected]
Saimaan ammattiopisto Sampo (test languages: Finnish, English) or
Koulukatu 5, 55100 Imatra; Pohjolankatu 10, 53100 Lappeenranta
tel 040 352 4433 or 040 626 4468
[email protected]
Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu / Matkailun koulutusohjelma (test languages: Finnish, English)
Karjalankatu 3, 80200 Joensuu
tel 013 260600
[email protected]
Riveria / Joensuun, Lieksan ja Kiteen toimipisteet (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
PL 70, 80101 Joensuu
tel 013 244 200
[email protected]
Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu (test languages: Finnish, English)
PL 52, Ketunpolku 1, 87101 Kajaani
tel 040 6548 475
[email protected]
Kainuun ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Opintie 3, 87100 Kajaani (tests also in Kuhmo and Suomussalmi)
tel 08 61651
[email protected]
Savon ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Hehkukatu 1, 70210 Kuopio; Osmajoentie 75 A, 78210 Varkaus
tel 017 2143000 (switchboard) or 044 7854879
[email protected]
Savonia Ammattikorkeakoulu (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
PL 6, Microkatu 1, 70201 Kuopio
tel 017 255 6000
[email protected]
Etelä-Savon ammattiopisto Esedu (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Otavankatu 4, 50100 Mikkeli
tel 040 661 0394
Keskuskatu 32, 76100 Pieksämäki
tel 050 524 8682
[email protected]
Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu, Xamk (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Patteristonkatu 3, 50100 Mikkeli; Savonniemenkatu 6, 57100 Savonlinna; Pääskysentie 1, 48220 Kotka; Paraatikenttä 7, 45100 Kouvola
tel 050 312 4989
[email protected] or [email protected]
Itä-Karjalan Kansanopisto (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Valoniementie 32, 58450 Punkaharju
tel 015 57211
[email protected]
Ammattiopisto SAMIedu / Itä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Pohjolankatu 4-6, 57201 Savonlinna
tel 015 550 6000
[email protected]
Jokilaaksojen koulutuskuntayhtymä (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
PL 72, 85501 Nivala
tel 08 44921
[email protected]
Oulaisten ammattiopisto OULA Ravitsemis- ja puhdistuspalveluyksikkö (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
PL 40, Oulaistenkatu 7, 86301 Oulainen
tel 040 7128 116
[email protected]
Ammattiopisto Luovi (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
PL 389, Veteraanikatu 2, 90130 Oulu
tel 040 3193494
[email protected]
Oulun Palvelualan Opisto (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Teuvo Pakkalankatu 15, 90130 Oulu
tel 08 535 2000
[email protected]
Oulun seudun ammattiopisto / Kaukovainion yksikkö, Palvelut (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Kotkantie 2C, 90250 Oulu
tel 040 1415 141
[email protected]
Ylivieskan ammattiopisto (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Kuusitie 6, 84100 Ylivieska
tel 040 3120 400
[email protected]
Saamelaisalueen koulutuskeskus (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Menesjärventie 4, 99870 Inari
tel 040 723 7309 (office)
[email protected]
Ammattiopisto Lappia / Palveluala (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Urheilukatu 6, 95400 Tornio
tel 010 383 40
[email protected]
Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu / Matkailun tutkimus- ja koulutusinstituutti (test languages: Finnish, Swedish, English)
Viirinkankaantie 1, 96300 Rovaniemi
tel 020 798 4000
[email protected]
Lapin koulutuskeskus REDU (test languages: Finnish, Swedish)
Jokiväylä 9 96300 Rovaniemi
tel 020 798 400
Valtatie 82, 99100 Kittilä
tel 040 703 1268
[email protected]