European Professional Card
The European Professional Card (EPC) is currently only available for nurses, pharmacists, and physiotherapists. The mentioned professionals can apply for the EPC when they wish to practise their profession in another EU/EEA country.
The EPC is not a physical card but an electronic certificate. It shows that you have met the conditions to offer your professional services on a temporary and occasional basis or that your professional qualifications have been recognised for establishment in a host Member State. The EPC application process is easier and quicker than the standard procedures for having your qualifications recognised.
You can apply for a European Professional card when
- you want to practise your profession in another EU country on a temporary and occasional basis
- you want to settle in another EU country and practise your profession there permanently.
The processing of an application in Valvira is subject to a fee. A fee is also charged for a withdrawn application. By submitting an application, you agree to the fees. Please check the prices at end of the instructions, under “Fees”.
Please note that if you are granted an EPC for the purpose of settling in Finland, the card does not entitle you to practise the profession in question in Finland. You must apply through Valvira separately to obtain the right to practice.
Please contact your host Member State in advance to clarify whether you need to apply for the EPC for 1) the purposes of providing temporary or occasional services or 2) the purposes of establishment.
If you are considering applying for an EPC for the temporary and occasion provision of services, please be aware of the following:
- The temporary and occasional nature of the service provision will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, with particular focus placed on the duration, frequency, regularity, and continuity of the service provided. The assessment will be carried out by the host Member State. The policies might vary. Some Member States define “temporary and occasional” as less than two days per month or as a period of a few weeks per year.
- The service provision will not be deemed “temporary and occasional” if it is considered continuous or regular.
- In principle, a longer-term employment contract or consecutive fixed-term employment contracts mean that you will be required to apply for an EPC for the purposes of establishment.
If you are uncertain whether, under your specific circumstances, you should apply for an EPC the purposes of establishment or for the purposes of providing temporary and occasional services, please contact the Member State you intend to work in for more information.
It is a good idea to clarify the situation prior to submitting an EPC application. If the host Member State considers an EPC for temporary and occasional service provision to be insufficient in your circumstances, you will be required to submit a new application for the purposes of establishment. A new fee will be payable for this service.
If you plan to leave Finland to practise your profession in another EU/EEA country or you are in another EU/EEA country and would like to come to Finland, you can apply for an EPC electronically through the YourEurope website. The website will provide you with more information on the application process, including what documentation is required, the deadlines involved and the role of the authorities in processing your application.
Valvira will only accept EPC applications submitted electronically via the YourEurope website.
The EPC application process is subject to a fee regardless of the final decision. A cancelled application is subject to pay half of the handling fee.
Possible fees include:
- Processing and/or granting a European Professional Card costs 350 euros.
- An expert opinion regarding the applicant’s education completed abroad costs 100-400 euros.
- A conditional recognition decision prior to granting a European Professional Card costs 350 euros.
Valvira may send you any requests for further information, certificates, decisions and invoices electronically as a message if you have registered in that service. messages may only be used for matters that are currently pending. You may register for messages at the website or by downloading the mobile app.