Application for a production licence for alcoholic beverages for teaching and research purposes

A production licence for alcoholic beverages may be granted for teaching and research purposes. Alcoholic beverages produced for teaching and research purposes may only be used in the analysis and quality control of the product.

The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) may grant a production licence for teaching and research purposes for teaching in accordance with the curriculum or research activities in a university, a university of applied sciences, an institute providing vocational upper secondary education and training, or an institute providing vocational adult education and training. Valvira may also grant a licence for other research or product development. Please note that the licence holder does not have the right to sell, place on the market or distribute a product it has produced for teaching and research purposes.

Apply for a licence in the e-service of the alcohol trade register (Allu).

The application should be submitted in due time before the start of the activity. The processing time varies on a case-by-case basis. The processing fee payable is determined in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. For applications received by 31 December 2025, it is EUR 600.

Attach to the application a teaching or research plan covering parts applicable to the production of alcohol and a description of the intended use of the alcoholic beverages, the volume to be produced, and the use in analysis and quality control.