Sales of slightly denatured spirits
The seller of slightly denatured spirits (previously slightly denatured ethanol) must report their operations to Valvira before starting operations. Slightly denatured spirits may be sold through wholesale only to companies for the purposes of manufacture and cleaning. Sales will continue to be prohibited to consumers.
Submit the sales report in Allu e-services.
Please note that the processing fee for reports is determined in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and it is EUR 500 for reports received no later than 31 December 2025.
A seller of slightly denatured spirits must maintain records of buyers and purposes of spirit use.
Provisions on sales reporting are laid down in a decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, according to which producers, sellers and importers of spirits must submit a denaturant- and buyer-specific report on their sales of slightly denatured spirits to Valvira once a year. The annual report must be submitted by the end of January in the following year.
The notification is submitted by providing the information as an electronic file, such as an Excel file, consisting of two spreadsheets:
- A spreadsheet of the company’s total sales of slightly denatured spirits in litres. Sales must be grouped according to the denaturant (1–17). This also applies to imported slightly denatured spirits if the product has been denatured using a denaturant approved in Finland. Otherwise, the denaturant must be reported along with the country according to whose legislation the sold products have been denatured.
- A spreadsheet of company-/customer-specific sales. Regarding customers, the name and business ID of the company, the intended use of spirits, and products sold by litre grouped according to different denaturants must be reported. Notifications are submitted in the e-services.
List of wholesalers of slightly denatured spirits:
- Albiox Oy
- Anora Group Plc
- Berner Ltd
- Brenntag Nordic Oy
- Cargill Nordic A/S
- Fysioline Oy
- GVK Coating Technology Oy
- KiiltoClean Oy
- Medifon Oy
- Merck Life Science Oy
- Niiralan apteekki (pharmacy)
- Nordoil Oy
- Nuwel Oy
- Oriola Finland Oy
- Tamro Oy
- Telko Oy
- Tevella Oy
- Yliopiston Apteekki (pharmacy), Helsinki