Applying for a licence to use kitchen alcohol

The term ‘kitchen alcohol’ refers to an alcoholic beverage used in the preparation of food. A licence to use kitchen alcohol can be granted to an applicant who has a justified need to use kitchen alcohol sold at the duty-free price. Applying for the licence to use kitchen alcohol in small-scale food preparation is not advisable, as the processing of the licence application is subject to a fee, and the licence holder must pay an annual control fee.

Apply for a licence in the e-service of the alcohol trade register (Allu).  

In your application, you must specify where the alcohol will be stored, for what purpose it will be used, and how much alcohol you will need per year; please attach a copy of your recipes or a menu, for example. The licence is site-specific. In addition to the name and address of the licence holder and the site, the alcohol types, their approved intended use and the annual quota are recorded in the licence.

The processing time varies on a case-by-case basis, but as a rule, licence applications will be processed in approximately two weeks from the date of receipt. The fee payable for the application is determined in accordance with a Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. For applications received by 31 December 2025, it is EUR 300.