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Serving and retail sales

The serving and retail sales of alcoholic beverages require a licence that is granted by the Regional State Administrative Agency. Below, you will find general instructions on serving, the alcohol passport, retail sales and the import of alcoholic beverages into Finland for serving and retail sale purposes.

Current issues

Cans in a row.

What is changing in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages after 10 June 2024?

From 10 June 2024 onwards, retail trade licence holders may sell in their retail outlets such as stores and restaurants fermented alcoholic beverages containing up to 8% alcohol by volume in addition to alcoholic beverages containing 5.5% alcohol by volume.

Alcohol trade register Allu

The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) and the Regional State Administrative Agencies maintain the Allu alcohol trade register, in which information about alcohol operators, alcohol licences and alcoholic products, as well as their production and reporting, is saved.

Contact the correct authority

Matters related to the licensing and supervision of alcohol are processed by both the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) and the Regional State Administrative Agencies. Read more information on which authority you should contact.