Using industrial and kitchen alcohol

Spirits or tax-exempt alcoholic beverages, i.e. industrial and kitchen alcohol, may only be bought and used in business operations by an operator that has the licence to use the products in question. 

A licence to use spirits is granted to an applicant who has a justified need for the use of spirits in the manufacture or quality assurance of products in business operations. A licence to use tax-exempt alcoholic beverages is granted to an applicant who has the right to use tax-exempt alcoholic beverages referred to in section 8 of the Act on Excise Duty on Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages (Laki alkoholi- ja alkoholijuomaverosta 1471/1994). 

A licence to use industrial and kitchen alcohol is site-specific. In addition to the name and address of the site, the alcohol types, the purpose of use approved for them and the annual quota are recorded in the licence. Spirits and tax-exempt alcoholic beverages can only be used for the purposes defined in the licence.