Marketing mild alcoholic beverages

As a rule, the marketing of mild alcoholic beverages containing at most 22 per cent of alcohol by volume is permitted. However, legal restrictions have been imposed on their advertising, indirect advertising and other sales promotion, as well as sales promotion channels and content.

The marketing restrictions also apply to beverages containing 1.2–2.8 per cent of alcohol by volume.

Restrictions on sales promotion channels

Alcoholic beverages cannot be advertised in public places, apart from certain exceptions. Alcohol advertising is prohibited by law on television and radio between 7 am and 10 pm, and in cinemas when showing films permitted for viewers aged under 18 years. In advertising in information network services, commercial operators cannot use any content produced by consumers or place any content produced by them or consumers available to consumers for sharing. More information about marketing on social media is available on the page “Marketing alcoholic beverages on social media” and in the guidelines on alcohol marketing at the end of this page.

Restrictions on content

Alcohol advertising cannot depict minors or anyone whose intoxication is clearly visible or who behaves in a disorderly manner, nor can it be targeted at such individuals. Any advertising of alcohol that involves consumers participating in games, prize draws or contests is also prohibited.

The consumption of alcohol cannot be linked to driving a vehicle, and alcohol advertising cannot create an image that the use of alcohol enhances performance or advances social success or sexual prowess. Presenting the alcohol content of an alcoholic beverage as a positive feature or depicting the abundant use of alcohol in a positive light or the moderate use of alcohol in a negative light is also prohibited by law.

Furthermore, creating an image of alcohol having medical or therapeutic qualities, or that it stimulates, relaxes or is a means for resolving conflicts is prohibited in alcohol marketing. Alcohol marketing cannot be contrary to good practice, or inappropriate or misleading for consumers.

Frequently Asked Questions