Spirit denaturation

Spirits, i.e. more than 80 per cent of ethanol, may be denatured by a licence holder who holds a licence for the import, manufacture, wholesale or use of spirits.

Slightly denatured spirit is spirit which has been made unfit for consumption and is both denatured in accordance with the regulations of an EU Member State and intended for use in the manufacture of products not intended for human consumption.

Strongly denatured spirit is spirit that has been made unfit for consumption. The denaturation approved in Finland for the manufacture of strongly denatured spirits is described below on this page.

An alcoholic preparation is an alcoholic substance, which is not an alcoholic beverage nor a spirit and which may be denatured.


When slightly denatured spirits are manufactured in Finland, denaturants must be used in at least the amount indicated in the list of denaturants approved by the Finnish Government. Valvira may issue more detailed regulations on the amount of denaturants. A legislative amendment to the list is pending.

When strongly denatured spirits are manufactured in Finland, denaturants must be used in accordance with the applicable Commission Implementing Regulation. Denaturants should be such that they do not interfere with the appropriate use of the denatured product.