Deployment of the new alcohol trade register is approaching

20.3.2023 13:30

The electronic services of Allu, the new alcohol trade register, will be deployed soon. The targeted deployment date is 18 April 2023. As the current Allu register will be closed on 13 April, information cannot be reported and product notifications cannot be submitted between 13 and 18 April.

Allu is a register maintained by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) and the Regional State Administrative Agencies, in which information about alcohol operators, alcohol licences and alcoholic products, as well as their production and deliveries, is saved. The register is used by various parties, ranging from serving licence holders to retailers, wholesalers, producers, industrial users and the authorities.

From paper forms to e-services

Until now, applications for alcohol licences have been submitted using paper or PDF forms. In the new system, applications for alcohol licences and alcohol-related notifications will be submitted in e-services instead of using paper forms. At the same time, all existing electronic services of the current alcohol trade register will be updated. You can best prepare for the change by already obtaining the authorisation required to log in to the system.

Read more about the new alcohol trade register.

Electronic services will be temporarily closed during the deployment

The deployment of the new register requires that the current electronic services are closed on Thursday 13 April at 9 am. This means that information cannot be reported and product notifications cannot be submitted between 13 and 18 April. Completely new e-services will be deployed by noon on 18 April. 

Please note that there may be delays in processing during the deployment of the system.

Valvira provides licence holders with more detailed information through customer newsletters.

Further information:

[email protected]