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Recorded consumption of alcohol remained unchanged from the previous year in 2021

25.4.2022 14:30

In 2021, the recorded consumption of alcohol was 555 million litres. In 100 percent alcohol, that amounts to 38.2 million litres. In 2020, the corresponding figures were 550 million litres and 38.3 million litres, respectively.

Calculated in litres, on-trade sales increased by 4.5% and retail sales by 0.5%. Out of product groups, sales of mixed beverages increased by 9.0%, cider by 1.1% and beer by 0.4%. Sales of mild wines decreased by 2.5% and sales of spirits by 2%.

When comparing 2021 and 2020, it should be noted that restrictions on serving alcohol due to the COVID-19 pandemic were in place in both years.

The sales statistics and distribution channel statistics published by Valvira include deliveries of alcoholic beverages by holders of a manufacturing licence and wholesale licence to restaurants and retail sales. Manufacturers and wholesalers report product-specific sales data to Valvira on a monthly basis. Valvira collects, reviews and analyses information for the purpose of supervision and records it in the alcohol trade register it maintains. The statistics include sales of beverages containing more than 2.8% and up to 80% of ethanol by volume.

At the end of 2021, there were 198 manufacturers and 342 wholesalers of alcoholic beverages and spirits.

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) gathers statistics on national capacity, sales and consumption based on the information available in Valvira’s alcohol trade register.

For more information, please contact:

Eeva Saari, Head of Unit, +358 (0)295 209 515

Alcohol statistics 2021 ( (in Finnish)