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Ruling of the Supreme Administrative Court: Valvira to reopen a case involving the right of a graduate from a British university to use the title of psychotherapist in Finland

20.12.2022 14:35

The Supreme Administrative Court of Finland has voted to return a decision according to which graduates of a training programme run by the Helsinki Psychotherapy Institute in collaboration with the University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE Bristol) do not have the right to use the protected professional title of psychotherapist in Finland to the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) for reconsideration. Valvira had previously rejected an application by a graduate of UWE Bristol to use the professional title of psychotherapist because, in Valvira’s view, the applicant’s training did not meet the requirements for training leading to the profession of psychotherapist in Finland.

The Supreme Administrative Court found that Valvira had been wrong to question the legitimacy of diplomas issued by UWE Bristol without first seeking clarification for its serious doubts about the training programme from UWE Bristol, in accordance with the principle of sincere cooperation.

Valvira will now familiarise itself with the Supreme Administrative Court’s ruling, conduct any necessary investigations and then take a new decision on the matter.

The ruling is available on the website of the Supreme Administrative Court (, in Finnish).


Further information:

Director Jussi Holmalahti, +358 (0)29 520 9500