Prepare for the alcohol trade register update by obtaining a authorisation

23.9.2022 08:00

The update of the Allu alcohol trade register is progressing. As a result of the update, applications for alcohol licences must be submitted online, and the system for reporting alcohol sales data and submitting product notifications will become more user-friendly.

Prepare for the update by obtaining a authorisation for everyone who submits product notifications, reports sales data or applies for licences on your company’s behalf. Without the authorisation, only individuals with the right to sign for your company can use the updated Allu system. Instructions for authorisation applicants:

  1. Go to – e-Authorizations. Click “Identification”.
  2. Identify yourself using your online banking codes, a certificate card or a mobile certificate.
  3. Click “Personal mandates” and then “Request mandates” on the next page.
  4. On the “Parties” page, click “Add a company” and enter the name of the company you represent.
  5. On the “Mandate themes” page, select “Applying permits and reporting of the alcohol sector” if you apply for alcohol licences and report data in your company. If you only report data, select “Reporting of the alcohol sector to the authorities”. As the other options are intended for the authorities, select either of these two options.
  6. Proceed according to the instructions given in the service and confirm your request, after which the request will be forwarded to an individual with the right to sign for your company for approval.
  7. They must then log in to e-Authorizations to approve your request.

The new alcohol trade register will be deployed at the beginning of next year. A more accurate date will be announced later this autumn. Applying for an authorisation is the best way to prepare for the update at this stage. More instructions on how to apply for an authorisation is available in the service.

For more information, please contact:

The alcohol administration of Valvira, alkoholi(at)