Working as a social welfare student

Under certain conditions, a student may temporarily perform the duties of a legalised social welfare professional. A legalised professional is entitled to hold permanent employment in their profession. Positions for legalised social welfare professionals must be filled with qualified persons whenever possible.

The employer is responsible for ensuring that the persons hired are qualified as required by law to perform their duties. The employer must evaluate the competence of prospective employees on a case-by-case basis to evaluate which duties they are competent to perform. The employer must ensure that persons hired have acceptably completed their studies and the related practical training.

Persons temporarily performing the duties of a legalised social welfare professional are subject to supervision in the same way as legalised social welfare professionals entered in the Central Register of Social Welfare Professionals.

Temporary employment as a social worker

By law, a person studying for the profession of social worker who has acceptably completed basic studies and subject studies in social welfare studies and the related practical training may be employed to perform the duties of a social worker on a temporary basis for no more than one year. A person temporarily performing the duties of a social worker must work under the guidance and supervision of a legalised social worker. A person temporarily performing the duties of a social worker does not have the statutory right of a social worker to decide on mandating involuntary care in urgent cases or on any measures related to same.

A student may request their educational institution to issue a certificate stating that they have acceptably completed their subject studies and the related practical training.  

Every student temporarily performing the duties of a social worker must be assigned, in writing, a legalised social worker under whose guidance and supervision they will work. The supervisor must monitor, guide and supervise the work of the temporary employee and immediately address any shortcomings.

Tilapäinen työskentely sosionomin tai geronomin ammatissa

Lain mukaan sosionomin tai geronomin ammatissa voi työskennellä tilapäisesti enintään vuoden ajan kyseiseen ammattiin opiskeleva tai sosiaalialalle soveltuvan korkeakoulututkinnon suorittanut henkilö, jolla on riittävät edellytykset ammatissa toimimiseen. Tutkinnon soveltuvuuden ja riittävien edellytysten toteutumisen arvioi työnantaja.

Right to practise temporarily as a licenced professional for persons who have completed a degree abroad

A person who has completed a social welfare degree or qualification outside Finland may be temporarily employed in their profession in Finland only while undergoing the adaptation period mandated by Valvira or by the National Agency for Education.  Such a person may begin their adaptation period once they have acquired the language skills required for performing their duties and have been issued a registration certificate for the adaptation period by Valvira. Read more about how to complete the adaptation period on our website.

Contact us

E-mail [email protected]
Phone 0295 209 550
Weekdays 10.00 – 11.00 (except Wednesdays)