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Healthcare and social welfare
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, Healthcare and social welfare
Rights to practise
Information systems
Service provider register
Objections and complaints in social welfare or health care
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, Alcohol
Serving and retail sales
Alcohol marketing
Production and wholesale
Product supervision of alcoholic beverages
Industrial and kitchen alcohol
Spirits and alcoholic preparations
Alcohol statistics
Alcohol trade register
Guidelines on alcohol
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, Tobacco
Guidance under the Tobacco Act
Product control
Sales and packaging
Smoking prohibitions
Prevention of illicit trade
Valvira and the tobacco industry
Health protection
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, Health protection
General health protection
Household water
Swimming water
Preparing for disturbances
Housing health
Water work card
Early childhood education and care
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, Early childhood education and care
Supervision of early childhood education and care
An objection or a complaint in early childhood education and care
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, Valvira
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Valvira's material
Information on Valviras website
Whistleblower protection at Valvira
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Valvira toivottaa hyvää joulua ja onnea vuodelle 2025!
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Healthcare and social welfare
Healthcare and social welfare yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Rights to practise
Rights to practise - submenu
Planning to work in the social welfare and health care field
Planning to work in the social welfare and health care field - submenu
Online service instructions
Apostille or Grand Legalisation procedure
Additional studies
Temporary and occasional pursuit of a profession
Examinations required for doctors trained outside the EU/EEA
Working abroad
Working abroad - submenu
Register extract and Certificate of Current Professional Status
European Professional Card
Sufficient language proficiency
Public information service for the registers
Public information service for the registers - submenu
Registers of social welfare and health care professionals
Notification of a Finnish personal identity number
Accessibility statement for JulkiTerhikki and JulkiSuosikki
Privacy statement for Terhikki
Privacy statement for Suosikki
Working as a professional
Working as a professional - submenu
Adaptation period and aptitude test
Recognition of professional qualifications
Working as a student
Working as a student - submenu
Working as a health care student
Working temporarily in social services
Information systems
Information systems - submenu
Astori register
Wellbeing applications
Operating environments
Operating environments - submenu
Operating environment registration
Information systems for social welfare and healthcare
Information systems for social welfare and healthcare - submenu
Classification of information systems
Registration of information systems
Significant nonconformity
Service provider register
Objections and complaints in social welfare or health care
Alcohol yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Serving and retail sales
Serving and retail sales - submenu
Guideline for serving
Guideline for retail sales
Import for serving or retail sales
Alcohol passport
International transport
Supervisory programme
Alcohol marketing
Alcohol marketing - submenu
Marketing strong alcoholic beverages
Marketing mild alcoholic beverages
Marketing alcoholic beverages on social media
Pricing and price notices of alcoholic beverages
Production and wholesale
Production and wholesale - submenu
Production or wholesale licence
Licence for teaching and research purposes
Obligations of a licence holder
Alcohol reporting
Self-monitoring of alcoholic beverages
Product supervision of alcoholic beverages
Product supervision of alcoholic beverages - submenu
Organic alcoholic beverages and spirits
Prohibitions and sanctions
Industrial and kitchen alcohol
Industrial and kitchen alcohol - submenu
Licence to use industrial alcohol
Licence to use kitchen alcohol
Acquisition of licensed alcoholic beverages
Spirits and alcoholic preparations
Spirits and alcoholic preparations - submenu
Spirit denaturation
Slightly denatured spirits
Manufacture of hand sanitisers
Alcoholic preparations
Production or import and wholesale licence
Alcohol statistics
Alcohol trade register
Alcohol trade register - submenu
Privacy statement for alcohol trade register
Accessibility statement for Allu
Guidelines on alcohol
Tobacco yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Guidance under the Tobacco Act
Product control
Product control - submenu
General information on product control
Tobacco products
Electronic cigarettes and liquids
Herbal products for smoking
Notifications of product information
Public product information
Sales and packaging
Sales and packaging - submenu
Retail sales
Age limits
Display ban
Packaging - submenu
Tobacco products
Electronic cigarettes
Herbal products
Smoking prohibitions
Prevention of illicit trade
Valvira and the tobacco industry
Health protection
Health protection yja.nav.submenu.title.end
General health protection
General health protection - submenu
Notification obligation
Research laboratories
Inspection of ships
Household water
Household water - submenu
Guideline for applying the regulations
Risk management plan
Procedures for securing the quality
Swimming water
Preparing for disturbances
Housing health
Water work card
Early childhood education and care
Early childhood education and care yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Supervision of early childhood education and care
An objection or a complaint in early childhood education and care
Valvira yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Get to know Valvira
Get to know Valvira - submenu
Organisational structure
Contact us
For media
Valvira's material
Valvira's material - submenu
Requests for information and research permits
Data protection
Submitting materials to Valvira
Information on Valviras website
Information on Valviras website - submenu
Accessibility statement
Whistleblower protection at Valvira
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