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Social welfare and health care professionals: get a Finnish personal ID as soon as possible 

Publication date 15.2.2024 13.13
Type:News item
A doctor and a tablet.

Valvira recommends applying for a Finnish personal identity number as soon as possible. According to a policy decision by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) made in December 2023, social welfare and health care professional ID cards will no longer be issued to persons who do not have a Finnish personal identity number. A personal identity number is needed for strong identification.

Also in the future, it will be possible to apply for the right to practise as a social welfare or health care professional before being issued a Finnish personal identity number. However, you will generally need to have a professional ID card in order to be able to begin work. A professional ID card can only be issued to individuals who have a Finnish personal identity number and a valid right to practise entered in either the Terhikki or Suosikki register. Professional ID cards are issued by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. 

If you have trained outside the EU/ETA, then you may need to have a Finnish personal identity number already during the application process. Educational institutions, for instance, may also require a Finnish personal identity number. 

If you are issued a Finnish personal identity number after you have already been granted the right to practise, you need to report it to Valvira. This will speed up the process of issuing you a professional ID card and avoid delays in you being able to start work.   

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Further information:

Maarit Mikkonen, Head of Unit, tel. +358 (0)29 520 9561

Healthcare and social welfare Rights to practise in social welfare and health care