Medical, dental or pharmacy student trained in an EU or EEA Member State

Valvira registers student rights in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy for students studying in Finland and abroad.

This guideline concerns applying for student rights in medicine and dentistry. If you wish to apply for student rights in pharmacy, please contact the advisory service for the right to practise (below) for information on how to apply.

You cannot take up temporary employment until you have been registered.

This right is granted on a fixed-term basis, beyond which the right can be extended, if your studies continue, simply by notifying Valvira.

Applying for the right to practise

Fill in the application form (pdf). Send the application and appendices to Valvira as e-mail attachments or by mail. The processing period is calculated from the time when Valvira has received all the required documents.

Send your completed application and appendices by e-mail to: [email protected].

Please note that e-mail is not recommended for sending confidential information. You can send a secure e-mail via the Valvira secure message service. Further information on how to deliver material to Valvira by e-mail can be found on our website.

The processing of an application in Valvira is subject to a fee. A fee is also charged for a withdrawn application. By submitting an application, you agree to the fees. Please check the prices at end of the instructions, under “Fees”. 

OR send your completed application and appendices by mail to:
National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira)
PO Box 43
FI-00521 Helsinki

Append copies of the following documents to your application:

  1. Passport or ID card issued in an EU/EEA Member State (i.e. document verifying your identity and nationality). Please read the instructions on our website if you do not have a Finnish personal identity number.
  2. Academic transcript of studies completed
  3. If you do not use the Valvira application form, please append an official statement from your university confirming that the studies you have completed are equivalent to 4th-year or 5th-year studies.

    This statement must include:
    a) details on when you began you studies and the date on which your studies will be acceptably completed in full
    b) your estimated date of graduation
    c) contact details of the university

    Valvira recommends that the university send its statement or the filled-out application form directly to Valvira by e-mail. In other cases, Valvira will verify your right to study on the basis of the information you supply. You may give several contact details to ensure that this verification can be performed even during holidays. This will significantly slow down the processing of your application.
  4. Translations into Finnish, Swedish or English of the documents listed in points 2 and 3.
    The translations must have been produced by an authorised translator in Finland or in another EU/EEA Member State. Authorised translators in Finland can be found through the online service of the National Agency for Education. If the translator is not an official or authorised translator in an EU/EEA Member State, the translation may nevertheless be acceptable if the translator’s status is confirmed with an Apostille or Grand Legalisation.

Valvira may request further clarifications if necessary. The application documents will remain in Valvira, and it is not possible to get them back after a decision has been made. If you request for documents to be returned to you while the application process is ongoing, the processing of your application will be significantly slowed down.