Applying to the Adoption Board for an adoption permission

The Adoption Board grants the following adoption permissions:

  • permission for domestic adoption 
  • permission for intercountry adoption through a service provider 
  • permission for international adoption without a service provider 
  • permission for a child in Finland being adopted to another country.

Adoption applicants must file their application by submitting it to the Adoption Board through our secure form service. You can find the secure forms on the page ‘Adoption application forms’. The Section for Adoption Permission Matters deals with adoption permission applications. 

The adoption counsellor will prepare a statement on the provission of adoption counselling for the adoption permission application. If you are receiving intercountry adoption services, the adoption counsellor will send the statement on the providing of adoption counselling directly to that service provider, who will forward it to the Adoption Board with appendices. If you are not receiving intercountry adoption services, the adoption counsellor will send the statement directly to the Adoption Board once they are informed that the adoption permission application has been filed with the Board.

The Adoption Board processes applications for adoption permission and for extensions to permissions already granted. The Adoption Board also considers applications for amending the terms and conditions of an adoption permission, notifications about material changes to an adoption applicant’s circumstances and the revoking of previously granted adoption permissions. The decisions of the Adoption Board may be appealed to the relevant Administrative Court. 

The permission for adoption remains valid for a maximum of two years. If necessary, an extension to the validity of the permission must be applied for before the permission expires. 

In the event of a material change in the prospective adopter’s circumstances during the validity period, the Adoption Board must be notified immediately. For further information on the notification obligation, see the page ‘Notification obligation in case of a change in circumstances of an adoption applicant’.

Contact us

By e-mail [email protected]

By mail
PO Box 43
FI-00521 Helsinki

  • Irene Pärssinen-Hentula
    Manager, Chair of the Adoption Board
    +358 295 209 247
  • Taija Jokimaa-Frusti
    Senior Officer, Deputy Chair of the Adoption Board
    +358 295 209 323
  • Anne Ritari
    Legal Officer, Secretary of the Adoption Board
    +358 295 209 413
  • Päivi Pietarila
    Senior Officer, Secretary of the Adoption Board
    +358 295 209 499