Post-adoption support 

An adopted child and his/her family are entitled to receive adoption counselling after the adoption is implemented. Adoption counselling is provided by a social worker specialising in adoption matters. The parties to an adoption also have the right to access documents concerning themselves, free of charge. 

The following parties have the right to access to documents created in the adoption process: 

  • the adoptee,
  • descendants of the adoptee, 
  • the adoptive parents. 

The right to access to documents includes the following:

  • the right to receive information on documents concerning oneself that were created during the adoption process, free of charge, 
  • necessary support and counselling offered by an intercountry service provider or adoption counselling social worker in disclosing the aforementioned information. 

When you want to examine documents concerning yourself and to find further information on your adoption, please contact the adoption counselling service provided by your wellbeing services county or the intercountry adoption service provider.

To get started, request post-adoption support services from one of the above, who will assist you or refer you to the appropriate authority. The party that, under the Adoption Act, is responsible for storing the documents is also responsible for information disclosure as referred to here. In the case of intercountry adoption, the service provider that originally arranged the adoption is responsible for storing documents (Interpedia, Save the Children or City of Helsinki Health and Social Services). In the case of domestic adoption, the relevant wellbeing services county or the adoption agency Save the Children is responsible for storing documents.

Frequently Asked Questions about post-adoption support

Contact us

By e-mail [email protected]

By mail
PO Box 43
FI-00521 Helsinki

  • Irene Pärssinen-Hentula
    Manager, Chair of the Adoption Board
    +358 295 209 247
  • Arttu Malava
    Legal Officer, Deputy Chair of the Adoption Board
    +358 295 209 231
  • Anne Ritari
    Legal Officer, Secretary of the Adoption Board
    +358 295 209 413