Service provider register Soteri
In Soteri you can submit registration applications, notifications and changes related to social welfare, health care or early childhood education and care. The Soteri register is a joint register between the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health Valvira and the Regional State Administrative Agencies.
Soteri compiles the organisation and service data of private social welfare and health care as well as the permit data of private ECEC service providers and day-care centres in one place.
To operate as a service provider you must know Finnish or Swedish.
Read more about the Soteri register: Information about Soteri for social welfare and health care service providers (in Finnish) Information about Soteri for private ECEC service providers (in Finnish)
Soteri contains the following:
- basic knowledge of private social welfare and health care service providers, services and personnel
- basic knowledge of private ECEC service providers, day-care centres and personnel
- information on limited stocks of medicinal products in accordance with the Medicines Act
The development of Soteri continues. Later, the following will also be included in Soteri:
- basic knowledge of public social welfare and health care service providers, services and personnel
- sanction data concerning the supervision of service providers and service units
Electronic services of the Soteri register
The service providers submit applications electronically to Soteri.
You can submit a registration application, notification and change related to social welfare, health care or early childhood education and care in Soteri electronic services. The application, notification or change is automatically referred to the correct Regional State Administrative Agency or the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health Valvira for processing. You can also manage your own contact information in the electronic services. The basic information on companies is sent to Soteri from the Business Information System (BIS) service. Please check with the BIS that your information is up to date.
Go to the electronic services of the Soteri register.
- Soteri electronic services require strong identification with, for example, online banking codes.
- As a service provider’s signatory or other representative on file at the Patent and Registration Office, you can use your online banking codes to identify for Soteri electronic services. A representative of the service provider must grant e-Authorizations to other users of Soteri. Read more about e-Authorizations. Instructions for granting authorisations can also be found on the website.
- For the time being, electronic services can only be used by people who have a Finnish personal identity code.
- Also read the instructions for using the Soteri electronic services. Instructions for submitting a registration application for a social welfare and health care service provider (in Finnish). Instructions for submitting permit applications and notifications for an ECEC service provider (in Finnish).
- Learn more about the registration fees for social and healthcare service providers and service units (in Finnish).
Good to know about Soteri
Provisions on Soteri are laid down in the Act on Supervision of Social Welfare and Health Care, which entered into force on 1 January 2024. The registration of private ECEC service providers is based on the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care.
The Soteri data will be used to create a public electronic information service that will serve the information needs of several stakeholders and citizens.
The data in the register can be used, for example, by Kela, the National Institute for Health and Welfare, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish National Agency for Education and the wellbeing services counties.
Customers of social welfare and health care services can use the information service to search for service providers operating in their area and their data, for example.
Valvira will provide more information once the public information service is opened.
Soteri's functionalities will be introduced in stages.
- The reception of registration applications for private social welfare and health care and licence applications for private ECEC service providers began in January 2024.
- The monitoring functionalities intended for supervisory authorities will be introduced in April 2024.
- The public information service is aimed to be opened later in 2024.
- The data of public social welfare and health care service providers must be submitted by 31 December 2025.
How do I log in to the Soteri electronic service?
You can act on behalf of your organisation in the Soteri electronic service if
- for example, you are a representative, the CEO or signatory of your company. To check that you can act on behalf of your organisation, use the Trade Register, the Business Information System, the Register of Associations, or the Authorisation Register.
- you have been granted a mandate; remember to check that you have been granted a transaction mandate. Read more about the different mandate types on the website.
- your company has received a transaction mandate. Remember to check that you have been granted a transaction mandate. Please note that the signatory or representative of the company must also grant themselves a representation mandate.
Check that you have received a mandate that grants you access to use Soteri:
- ”Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon rekisteröinti- ja lupa-asioiden hoito”
“Taking care of social welfare and healthcare registration and permit issues” - ”Yksityisen varhaiskasvatuksen luvan hakeminen"
“Applying for a private early childhood education and care permit”
For more information on acting on behalf of an organisation and possible impediments, see the instructions for e-Authorizations at Acting on behalf of an organisation.
What is e-Authorizations?
Making a mandate request as an organisation on the website.
Instructions for granting mandates for transactions and mandates to represent can be found on the website.
How a representative of an organisation grants mandates alone.
If you are having issues with acting on behalf of another person, contact the customer service for organisations which provides companies and organisations guidance on how to use services.
Read more about the instructions related to applying for and maintaining mandates from the topics below.
- the representative of a company has been authorised in the Trade Register to represent the company without a personal identity code. Personal identity codes have been notified and filed in the Trade Register since 1 January 1994.
- the company's status in the Trade Register is, for example, bankrupt.
- the organisation's signatory or representative has not been filed in the Register. In such a case, the authorisation can be registered with an application.
- if you have refused to publish your business name, personal, or company form information in the Finnish Business Information System (BIS). The authority cannot process your application through Soteri's electronic services using just the Business ID alone. In this case, you cannot use electronic services, and you must submit your application via a PDF form. Forms can be found on the Regional State Administrative Agency's website (in Finnish). Alternatively, you can also change your personal or business name and company form information to public in the BIS service through a modification application, after which you can use Soteri's electronic services normally.
If you have received a mandate, you can access the Personal mandates link on the Mandates page to the page where you can see which mandates have been granted to you. Similarly, if you are a signatory or other representative on file in the PRH register, i.e. you already have a mandate, you can verify the mandates in use through the Company's mandates link, and then you will see a list of companies from which you can select the company or organisation on whose behalf you want to act in Soteri.
On the website, you can find instructions on how the signatory or other representative named in the PRH register grants a mandate for transactions to a person or, for example, an accounting firm. Note that an accounting firm must still grant its own staff a mandate to represent. Read more about the mandate to represent on the website.
Remember to maintain your organisation's mandates If a person no longer needs their mandates, they must be revoked. Instructions for invalidating mandates are available on the website.
Instructions for granting mandates as an organisation (representative or person with mandate to represent):
- Log in to e-Authorizations using personal online banking codes, for example.
- Click Company’s mandates.
- Select the company or organisation on whose behalf you want to act.
- Select mandate for transactions as the authorisation type.
- As the party receiving the mandate, select the person or company that needs a mandate for using Soteri's electronic services (for example, an accounting firm or a person in your company).
- Select “Taking care of social welfare and healthcare registration and permit issues” as the social and healthcare mandate theme and “Applying for a private early childhood education and care permit” as the ECEC mandate theme (in Finnish or in Swedish).
- Please note that if a company or organisation has received a mandate for transactions from another company or organisation, the mandate to represent must be granted to a person, including the signatory or other representative in the PRH register.
- For more information on granting mandates, see the e-Authorizations instructions under Organisation's mandates.
After identification, you will see all the companies for which you have an authorisation on the Soteri front page. On the front page, you can also see the companies that do not yet have a license in the register. If you have not applied for a mandate for transactions, Soteri’s Register as a service provider button will be inactive (grey) for you, but if your mandates are in order, the button is active (blue) in the service. If your mandate is inactive and you need help, please contact the customer service for organisations.
- Go to the e-Authorizations page. Click on Identification.
- Identify for the service with online banking codes, a certificate card or a mobile ID.
- Click on Personal mandates and then Request mandates on the page that opens.
- On the Parties page, click Add company and enter the party on whose behalf you want to act in Soteri, such as your own company or organisation.
- On the Mandate themes page, select “Taking care of social welfare and healthcare registration and permit issues” as the social and healthcare mandate theme and “Applying for a private early childhood education and care permit” as the ECEC mandate theme.
- Proceed according to the instructions on and confirm the mandate request, in which case the request is transferred to your company's representative for approval.
- The company or its representative must then log in to the e-Authorizations page and accept your mandate request.