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Valvira’s decisions and certificates on the rights to practise a profession are subject to a fee 

Publication date 3.4.2024 11.43
Type:News item
A nurse sitting in front of a computer.

Valvira grants the right to practise a social welfare or health care profession in Finland on application to professionals trained in Finland and abroad. Valvira’s processing of the applications for rights to practise a profession is subject to a fee and a fee is also charged for negative decisions. The fees are based on the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on Valvira’s services subject to a fee.

By submitting an application for the right to practise a profession or ordering a certificate relating to the right to practise, you agree to the fees. Please check the prices on our website or in the Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on Valvira’s services subject to a fee before ordering. The fees for an application for the right to practise a profession are listed on each instruction page on the application in the Fees section. The application cannot be withdrawn without payment of the fee if application processing has already been initiated. Half the processing fee is payable if you withdraw your application.

Which fee applies to my application?

The fees for an application for the right to practise a profession can be viewed on our website on the application instruction pages by profession. Please note that the total amount of the fee may consist of several fees included on the list. The final fee is determined in accordance with the stages of application processing. If Valvira requests an expert opinion to evaluate your training, a fee on the opinion will be charged in addition to the decision fee. The decision fee can be divided into several parts, depending on whether the right to practise a profession is granted directly or whether you are required to complete additional studies or perform additional measures.  

Certificates for working abroad

Valvira prepares certificates on the rights to practise for social and health care professionals in the register. The extract from the register and the Certificate of Current Professional Status documents are specifically intended for the purpose of applying for the right to practice a profession abroad.

Valvira asks employers to verify the employee’s valid right to practice a profession in the JulkiTerhikki and JulkiSuosikki online services instead of requiring employees to order a paid extract from the register from Valvira. The JulkiTerhikki and JulkiSuosikki services are also available in Swedish and English. Read more about how to verify a right to practise a profession in our news (in Finnish)

Read more:

Further information:

Maarit Mikkonen, Head of Unit, 0295 209 561
Jenni Kangas, Head of Unit, 0295 209 532

Healthcare and social welfare Rights to practise in social welfare and health care